Mens Mental Health Coaching

The London Life Coaching Company

Mens Mental Health Coaching

Relationship Coaching Life Coach Mens Mental Health Coaching London

Mental health issues can reveal themselves in lots of different ways, and can be brought about by triggers that can vary from person to person. Experiencing poor mental health can be very difficult, especially when it impacts on other parts of life, like relationships, friendships, work and self-esteem. For men, issues around mental health can be extra challenging, as they can feel unable to seek help or admit to finding things hard to deal with. Many men still feel an obligation to be ‘the strong one; and not to trouble others with their worries. This can, however, do more harm than good in the longer-term.

Mental health coaching for men helps remove the stigmas that still exist in many sections of society around asking for help. It empowers men to identify they main signs and symptoms that they may need help and then take action to find the support they need. Signs of worsening mental health in men can include irritability, increased stress, finding it harder to cope with life’s challenges, lack of sleep and a loss of appetite or libido. Detecting these signs early can make a huge difference in how effective mental health coaching for men can be. It can help to reduce the time that the mental health coaching process can take to have a lasting, positive effect.

Key aspects of mental health coaching include giving men the space they need to identify, understand and accept their own personal issues and anxieties. The process aims to be non-judgemental and supportive, while encouraging those taking part to retain autonomy and control over their own decision making and life changes. Mental health coaching can help men of all ages and from all walks of life discover their strengths, engage with their competencies and use what they learn about themselves to actively improve their motivation, self-esteem and wellbeing.

Of course, more severe mental health conditions, including OCD, PTSD or depression will usually require, more specialist medical or psychological support to ensure a complete, safe therapeutic approach. Mental health coaching often works well alongside different types of treatment to offer a wider, more holistic approach to tackling and improving the situation.